Geoff and Fiona are the heart and soul of CGS Tyres. Officially being in the tyre industry as a husband and wife team for 30 years.
Geoff and Fiona made the leap into business ownership in September 1993 with a 7-month-old, 3-year-old and 10-year-old in toe. Starting from the QFH building, moving to Austral Terrace and finally to 11 Richardson Street, Fiona and Geoff have seized as many opportunities as possible when thrown their way. Somehow Geoff and Fiona managed to raise 4 children whilst growing and developing a business. To date they continue to take on challenges and look for opportunities to grow, including the recent acquisition and rebranding of Narrogin and Wagin Beaurepaires to Goodyear Autocare. Fiona and Geoff have worked tirelessly over the last 30 years to build something they can be proud of and can hand on to future generations.
Fiona and Geoff are both committed to providing exceptional service to our customers and are always happy to have a cuppa and a chat ensuring you always leave with a smile on your face.

Dillon is the incoming generation of CGS Tyres. The youngest of Fiona and Geoff’s sons, Dillon has worked in the tyre industry for more than 13 years and is committed to growing with the industry as agricultural equipment and vehicles change impacting on their tyre needs. Dillon’s reputation for on farm service in unmatched in the greater district, with his fast, efficient and 24/7 commitment sort after far and wide. Earning him the nickname “the tourist” come seeding and harvest due to the number of kilometres covered.